Welcome to
The 10th Middle East eVis Pre-Moot!
Welcoming note from BCDR’s COO Mr. Ahmed Husain
Welcoming note from CILE’s Prof. Ronald Brand
Welcoming note from CLDP’s Chief Council, Steve Gardner
Welcoming note from RUW’s Faculty Advisor Dr. Maria Casoria
Meet the Team
Prof. Flechtner honouring Prof. Brand with his groundbreaking singing skills!
It is with great excitement and pleasure that we welcome you to the 10th edition of the Middle East Willem C. International Commercial Arbitration Vis Pre-Moot and first ever Middle East eVis Pre-Moot Program!
The journey to the 10th anniversary of this Middle East Vis Pre-Moot has been a turbulent one, facing many obstacles. This year, the Pre-Moot was faced with the most difficult challenge yet: a global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 (or Coronavirus). Not dissuaded by the precautionary measures adopted by governments across the region to restrict travel and movement of people, we have decided to convert the 10th edition of the Middle East Vis Pre-Moot into an online forum!
We have worked furiously to develop an accessible digital platform that stays true to the objectives of the Program and serves you best. As this was no easy task, delivering this online Program would not have been feasible had it not been for the commitment of our networks of scholars, law schools, students, former mooties, and lawyers who have volunteered their time for the success of this e-Pre-Moot, to whom we owe many thanks!
The eVis Pre-Moot Program comprises live sessions, as well as pre-recorded sessions. The detailed schedule for the live sessions is now available. The direct links to all live sessions are provided for in the schedule. The link for each live session will only become active within 24 hours of the scheduled time for the session. All pre-recorded sessions of the Program are now available under ‘Material for Students’ below.
Watch the recorded Final Round and Closing Ceremony of the eVis Middle East Pre-Moot 2020!
Virtual Arbitrator Briefing Session
Recorded Previous Live Sessions
Live opening session hosted by Professor Ronald Brand
Continued live opening session hosted by Professor Ronald Brand
Vis Advisor Session Substance 2
Vis Advisor Session Procedure 1
Vis Advisor Session Procedure 2
Recorded Example of Argument Session
Recorded Argument Between University of Pittsburgh and the University of Colombo
Presentation Style Training Material
Argument Introduction and Road Map Presentation by Bianca McDonnell and Isabela Deveza
The Use of Legal Authorities in Pleadings by Amer Abu Sham
Maintaining Advocacy Skills on a Virtual Platform by Nicholas Weltz
Willem Vis Presentation Styles Workshop by Catalina Bizic
Presentation on Argument Matrix by Mais Abousy and Liz Taylor
Common Mistakes to Avoid by Mais Abousy and Liz Taylor
Answering Arbitrator Questions by Liz Taylor
Questions And Answers by Mais Abousy and Amer Abu-Sham
Rebuttals by Amer Abu-Sham
Substance Related Training Material
A Real Life Approach to the Willem C. Moot Problem by Prof. Dr. Stefan Kröll
Presentation of Issue 1 on the Validity of the Arbitration Agreement by Prof. Dr. Zlatan Meskic
Presentation of Issue 2 on the Exclusion of Expert by Prof. Dr. Zlatan Meskic
Substantive Issues in the 27th Vis Moot Problem by Prof. Harry Flechtner
The CISG, Applicable Law, and Choice of Forum Clauses by Prof. Ronald Brand
Virtual Arbitrator Briefing Session
Discussion of Arbitrator Issues by Ronald Brand and Mais Abousy

American University of Afghanistan

Yerevan State University

Bosnia And Herzegovina
International University of Sarajevo
University of Mostar
University of Zenica

Al-Azhar University
Alexandria University

Tbilisi State University
University of Georgia

University of Tehran

Al-Iraqia University
Al-Mustansiriyah University
Al-Nahrain University

University of Jordan

University of Business and Technology
University of Prishtina

Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth

Maldives National University

Yangon University

Hamad bin Khalifa University

Saudi Arabia
Dar Alhekma University
Prince Sultan University

Sri Lanka
University of Colombo
Royal Institute of Colombo

Université de Carthage

United States
University of Pittsburgh