15th Pre-Moot Awards

Best Oralist – Honorable Mentions

Shokhjakhon Khaydarkulov, University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Uzbekistan)

Bokhodir Dadaev, University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Uzbekistan)

Rita Mounzer, Universite Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (Lebanon)

Atena Abdollahi, Institute of Energy Law Studies – University of Tehran (Iran)

Nakisa Salfarifard, Institute of Energy Law Studies – University of Tehran (Iran)

Minhathul Zahreen Jayah, Middlesex University Dubai (UAE)

Inshirah Meer, New York University – Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Chyngyz Sadykov, American University of Central Asia (Krgyzstan)

Faisal Alkhalaf, Prince Sultan University (Saudi Arabia)

Best Oralist – Individual Awards

4th Place         Asiyah Bashili, Alfaisal University (Saudi Arabia)

3rd Place        Sarrah Sharafali, Royal University for Women (Bahrain)

2nd Place       Norah Alobaikan, Alfaisal University (Saudi Arabia)

1st Place       Timothy Chiu, New York University Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Best Memorandum for Claimant

Prince Sultan University

Best Memorandum for Respondent

British University in Egypt

Spirit of the Vis Pre-Moot Award

Shiraz University

Pre-Moot Social and Professional Leadership Award

Shireen Ahmed, Hamad bin Khalifa University

ICC 250 Euro Gift Card – Digital Publication

Shiraz University

Internship Award – Al Tamimi & Co

Sarrah Sharafali

Internship Award – AlAidarous

Asiyah Bashili

Internship Award – Balfaqeeh Advocates & Legal Consultants

  1. Timothy Chiu
  2.  Mariam Al Darmaki

Internship Award – arbitrateAD

Inshirah Meer

University of Pittsburg LL.M. Scholarship Awards

5th Place        Sara Almeshari, Alfaisal University (Saudi Arabia)

4th Place         Asiyah Bashili, Alfaisal University (Saudi Arabia)

3rd Place        Sarrah Sharafali, Royal University for Women (Bahrain)

2nd Place       Norah Alobaikan, Alfaisal University (Saudi Arabia)

1st Place       Timothy Chiu, New York University Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Winning Team

New York University – Abu Dhabi (UAE)

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